Purchase Access

Easy Air Journey offers three enrollment options:

1. $99 Private Annual Subscription
Full access to the eAPIS Portal with the ability to save eAPIS Manifests and automatically upload them to the Department of Homeland Security's website. Limited to a maximum of 5 airplanes. Subscription payments are handled by PayPal.

2. $490 Commercial Annual Subscription
Enjoy all the options available in the private subscription without airplane limit.

3. Free trial version
Full access to Pilot/Passenger, Airplane and Flight creation tools but with limited access to user tools, eAPIS Manifest and other documents. Get familiar with the application in this free version and purchase full access when you are ready to create and upload eAPIS Manifest.

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Visit our Purchase page for a free trial or to securely pay for a one year subscription using PayPal or click here to access our Easy AirJourney Tutorial Video.

Call or email your questions to ops@airjourney.com. For an immediate response or call us at +1 561 841 1551.